Thursday, July 5, 2012

DCS Nonprofit Charity


So its been almost a year since my life changing events and getting my life back, so know i want to start to help everyone else out there. Like i was at my wits end and the way i do that is starting a 100% non profit charity geared toward men & woman who have DCS and getting them help in either infomation,Doctors,Money,Disabilty Serves or just moral support.  So if you are wondering what you can do well its not just moeny its you your infomation where you are from ,email,location and doctors you trust that have helped you in this long road . all these things will buid a data base so the more people that come forward will be able to get help locallyand some one inthere city or state they can befriend for some one else to know what they are going through . Very soon i will get a po box for the charity and a web site up , this is a long road and i am one person so if anyone of us that has skills to help get this going feel free to email me any skills are welcome .